Our services
Lobby & Advocacy
AMA advocates on behalf of DFIs to influence government, legislators and other relevant stakeholders at national and regional levels. As a part of that, AMA organizes Program Awareness Meetings in different provinces with participation of Government officials, MFIs, CSPIs, Community leaders and religious circles. These meetings sensitize the provincial stakeholders and enhance their understanding on development finance to a great extent.
Knowledge Management
With a view to ensure timely collection of sector level information and disseminating that among all stakeholders, AMA has designed well its knowledge management services. It makes sincere efforts to gather data from members and other relevant sources, collates and analyzes and share the information in the form of periodical publications. AMA conducts researches/studies as and when needed.
Coordination & Networking
AMA undertakes coordination and networking initiatives in the sector with all stakeholders. It facilitates better coordination and convergence among the service providers, practitioners, financial institutions and stakeholders in the country. AMA builds bridges between its various partners through a number of forums, including CEOs and Regional Coordination Meetings.
Capacity Building
AMA coordinates various initiatives including trainings and exposures, peer learning workshops, scholarship programs, linkages with academic institutions mainly in collaboration with the AIBF. These capacity building activities enhances the knowledge and skills of Afghan staffs involved in implementing development finance programs.
Vision & Mission
To promote financial inclusion through creation of an enabling environment for the development finance sector in Afghanistan.
To build an inclusive, sustainable and responsible development finance sector through advocacy, knowledge management, coordination, and capacity building.
Senior Management Team
Who said What!
“As an ACE-II / USAID grant recipient, AMA proved to be an outstanding partner – successfully implementing a range of innovative activities to raise awareness on agricultural finance, and building the capacity of its DFI members to better serve the agriculture sector.”
“AMA publications and reports are accepted as reference documents and are very helpful for the sector practitioners, donors and stakeholders for their information and decision-making. These are very famous at national and regional levels.”
“I remember in 2011 when the sector players got together to revitalize AMA under the leadership of AMA management and we were not thinking that AMA will reach to the stage
where it is now within just few years”.
About us
Afghanistan Microfinance Association (AMA) is the national network of Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) in Afghanistan. Realizing the need and relevance of a national level network in the sector, MISFA and its partner MFIs jointly decided to start the AMA in 2005. It has been operating as a coordinating body among all key stakeholders in the sector. As an institution AMA has got a few distinctive elements such as; an independent legal entity, strong memberships of the DFIs, positive relationships with key national stakeholders, potential regional and global exchanges and continued assistance from MISFA and institutional support from USAID/FAIDA since 2011.