About Us


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History: The Afghanistan Microfinance Association (AMA) is the national network of development finance Institutions in Afghanistan. AMA aims to promote, support, strengthen, and provide appropriate support to institutions involved in the developmental finance sector in Afghanistan through effective lobbying and advocacy on behalf of the sector, knowledge management, sector coordination & networking, and capacity building. […]

About Us

Board of Directors

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Mr. Ziauddin Haidari – Chairperson Ziauddin Haidari is a banking professional with over 15 years of banking experience in various management positions in Treasury and Banking Operations. He has been working with The First Microfinance Bank Afghanistan in different positions such as Manager Banking Operations, Deputy Head of Treasury and Commercial Banking, Head of Operations, […]

About Us


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The Microfinance Investment Support Facility for Afghanistan (MISFA) was set up in 2003 at the invitation of the Afghan government – to get donor coordination right from the start and avoid the counter-productive efforts that have emerged from conflicting donor objectives in other post-conflict situations. It was established as a vehicle through which the Afghan […]

About Us

Senior Management

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Mr. Mohammad Akbar Sarwari Executive Director Mohammad Akbar Sarwari currently serves as Executive Director of AMA. Previously he worked as Rural Finance Specialist with the Microfinance Investment Support Facility for Afghanistan (MISFA). He has also worked with different International NGOs in different capacities as regional manager, chief finance officer and field manager. He has over […]